Right, Id thought I'd give you my penny's worth on the third installment of the Maze Runner franchise "The Death Cure"
Well let me start by saying FUCKING HELL!!!! it actually blew my mind, its all been leading up to this and it does not disappoint.
I wanted the same suspenseful mystery featured in the first movie and I got it, I wanted the same twists and surprises featured in "The Scorch Trials" and I got it, I wanted the same fast paced (no pun intended) nail biting action featured throughout the series and I Fucking got it!
I wont bore you with the synopsis or talk about of the previous movies {Warning - If you haven't watched the previous movies Death Cure is gunna make little to no sense} I will say however that you'll only be able to truly understand the grandeur of what these characters have to endure and appreciate the twists, if you have been emotionally running along side Thomas and the gang from the outset.
As always the acting was spot on, as I can't think of a single actor featured that didn't pull of the role perfectly.
There were scenes that did leave me feeling like "what the fuck! you'd never do that in real life.." or "for fuck sake! Just shoot her!" but they were usually followed up by a plot relevant explanation or a satisfying twist that would leave me thinking "ohh, so that's why..."
Dylan O'Brien's portrait of Thomas of course stands out and I believe this is the most complicated Thomas we've seen so far.
What I've noticed throughout about Thomas is despite being the obvious leader he never comes across as..well a Twat!
He's quite humble, he's clearly only doing what he thinks is right, he's very obviously the good guy and you can see that he genuinely cares...simple
But of course when he has so many conflicting issues to manage as well as keeping all the good he's already accomplished together, he's enviably gunna feel the pressure and this is what "Death Cure" pulls off so well, Thomas is by far the most conflicted we've seen and is forced to make extremely hard choices...some with heart breaking consequences.
I feel I could really empathise with Thomas this time around alot more and at points could really feel the pressure he was under (I have no nails left btw)
The one thing the MR franchise has never lacked is its suspenseful,on the edge of your seat action and it doesn't disappoint here..in fact this is the best I've seen yet!
They've kept all the fun chase scenes we've come to appreciate in a MR movie (not all of them are on foot...mwahaha) and have upped the ante with the uneasy, nail biting moments that at times left me shouting out "FUCKING HELL!"
They clearly aimed to end the series on a no limit, high budget, FUCK IT {Bang} and this was defiantly accomplished.
As criticism goes there weren't many faults I could find...If I had to nitpick, I felt like some of the landscape pans and wow moments were overplayed (the slow moving, dramatically scored shots were a tiny bit long and at points made me think "Ok! its a big deal..we get it!")
There were scenes that were a little predictable and didn't live up to the gravitas featured in most of the movie..particularly at the end..I felt it was slightly rushed which unfortunately left all the suspense and emotion built up in previous scenes to subside a little disappointingly but it would soon be followed up by another "Fucking Hell!" moment so..all's forgiven.
All in all I would say
"Go watch film...really really good!" to almost anyone, as it truly exceeded expectations and if you haven't watched the previous movies...well...do...before you watch this one...cause..it'll make more sense...obviously!

Nick E.D