This is going to be as spoiler free as possible as i am not a massive wang and this film should not be ruined for anyone, i am going to try and not be all fan boy about it (I will, this is a lie).
When Me, Alan and Nick walked out of the cinema it was a strange momemt of pure child like joy followed by a incredible urge to sit in stunned silence and have a pint.
When we eventually managed to put some thoughts together about Avengers: Infinity War we are all shockingly in completely agreement, this film blows all other MCU films out of the water. This is the new bench mark for all comic book film's from this point.
The pacing is intense but spotted with real moments of emotion that drag you in and show a great deal of humanity even where you wouldn't expect it and each set piece has moments that took our breath away and at times stunned.
As with any MCU film you will be expecting comedy and it delivers without destracting from the stories that are being told.
When it comes to the the avengers and the GOTG working together i found it hard to fault it at all. It captures everything that makes each of the previous film's while feeling like its own very special film.
The visuals, cgi and score all fit together seamlessly and when the credits roll you can see why. The sheer amount of bodies that poured everything they had into making this film shows in ever aspect of it.
With that being said no film is perfect but while we was walking out it was hard to say what detracts from this film. It's going to take a whole bunch of watches but i am looking forward to that.
Oh yeah and the MCU have got over the whole weak villain thing, Thanos is THE villain.
Go and watch it.
