So here it is 3 days after the release and I’ve been back for a second watch.... normally at this point I’d go on to tell you how my feeling differ from the initial viewing so here goes.... spoiler free of course....
After the first watch I was fairly speechless (go have a look at our video review n you’ll notice I don’t really know what to say so I repeat myself a lot) on the second watch I’m not much different 😂
It is as close to perfect as I think you’ll get a superhero movie it has everything you could possibly ask for but most importantly.... it has Thanos!!! He’s absolutely been worth the wait! He’s powerful and intimidating on a scale we’ve never seen before!
In our initial review we said if we were being super critical then the time scale could have been a slight issue.... not on a second watch though!
Marvel have tried through there last few films to change the way we look at superheroes and the genre in general. In this they expertly change the perspective to make the villain the central character and in my opinion it’s the best move they’ve made so far!
Do your self a favour n if you’ve not yet watched it, but a ticket now and go!
Happy to discuss in the comments if you’d like but please keep anything you say spoiler free!!
