Well then, we just got out from watching "IT" and it was everything I was expecting and more!
From how great it looked, the pacing of the film, the cast, the effects and most surprisingly the laughs.
You will love who you are supposed to, hate everyone you should and if you can not connect with one of the losers club then you have no soul.
I will say that it isn't a typical scare fest horror film but more of a film that utterly creeped me out in certain scenes. This is one of the reasons the pacing and build up of the film shines though.
It does feel like they have leaned into the the story telling style of films like stand by me and the Goonies but that might just be me being lazy in my description but i will argue that it is a valid point with anyone.
It will take a whole bunch of viewings to catch everything in this very pretty looking horror film and i will enjoy every second of it.
It is a solid building block for chapter 2 and it can not get here soon enough for me.
It gets very respectable 4 out of 5 in my book.
Lets start taking bets on the casting for the second chapter now!
P.s Bill Skarsgård, you done good.
Mike RLP.
